Cleaning services for all your needs

The no-stress way to book the cleaning service you need in minutes. Eliminates back and forth emails. Book straight into our team`s schedule even on SUNDAY!

Professional cleaning services in Australia

Modern cleaning for modern lives

We have the technology to keep things efficient and the people to keep things personalized.

Instant online booking
Get a free estimate and book online in minutes, or give us a call to book your cleaning over the phone.
Adjustable scheduling
Next-day service, last-minute switches, thunderstorms in the forecast—sometimes what a situation needs most is flexibility. When your plans change, so can ours.
Trusted professionals
Fully insured and carefully vetted cleaning technicians will make sure to complete the service as per your requirements.

services provided every month


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7 days

available all week long

Professional cleaners near you in Australia

Providing friendly, reliable cleaning services since 2010.

Serving 4 000+ properties every month

  • Same- & next-day visits
  • Fixed price & instant no-obligation quotes
  • Dedicated & insured service specialists
  • Professional grade equipment

Customer reviews

  • Oven cleaning

    We had 3 ovens professionally cleaned including a very well used commercial oven. I couldn’t believe the transformation. Super quick and an excellent job. Very flexible with timing and made sure I was happy before they left.

    Elka Feldman

    Sydney, 6 Apr 2023

  • End of lease cleaning

    The service was fantastic, they were super friendly and did an amazing job. We had Fantastic do an end of lease clean of the house. They cleaned everything so well and would definitely recommend them for future jobs.

    Kartini Hughes

    Sydney, 22 Mar 2024

  • Spring Cleaning

    First time using Fantastic Cleaners and I was very impressed. Friendly. punctual cleaners and my apartment is sparkling clean. Highly recommend their service and will use them again.

    Tristan Olsen

    Melbourne, 20 November 2023

  • Regular Cleaning

    All I need is my house need to get cleaned, and it did, they come with their own vacuum and put garbage bin outside also they did dishes, room organised. Great service and excellent cleaning from the team who attended.

    Dan Welsh

    Sydney, 31 Oct 2023

  • Carpet cleaning

    The carpet had a lot of extremely bad stains on it. The operator tested the stains first he determined what to do and put on them and away he went about his business. Fantastic is the word. The job was done to perfection. Thank you very much for the excellent job that you did.

    Cheryl Andrews

    Greater Melbourne, 20 Sep 2023

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Local cleaning services near you

Here you can see just some of the areas we cover in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. You can easily access information for your area and service directly from the list below. There are services like carpet cleaning, end of lease, general domestic cleaning and more.
For a full list of all thousands of areas we cover check the prices and availability section.

Meet our Fantastic Family

Clean and freshen your home!

Melbourne 03 9988 4141
Sydney 02 8103 2006
Perth 08 6355 5604
Brisbane 07 3088 3209

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