How the carpet cleaning service in Coogee is done
The carpet cleaning service in Coogee is done by an experienced professional who is fully insured, trained and vetted to perform the job in your home.
Choose Fantastic Services for your carpet cleaning needs, as not only does the service not use any unsafe detergents, it will also help improve the air quality in your home. The service also prevents build up of dust and allergens, making it safe for your entire family.
What our clients say:
Why choose the Fantastic Services cleaners in Coogee?
Due to high foot-traffic, accidental stains, spills and general wear and tear of your carpets and rugs, you’ll need to consider a professional carpet cleaning service for your home. Why not choose Fantastic Services for this purpose? There are several reasons to try us!
For starters, the pro that will arrive at your home is fully experienced and insured to get the job done to a high professional standard.
Taking care of all your carpet cleaning needs, the pro will move your furniture around, if necessary, to ensure easier access to the areas that need attention. This will be followed by a thorough hot water extraction cleaning method to remove all unwanted stains and odours.
In keeping in line with eco-friendly cleaning methods, all the detergents used are suitable for pets and children, and are not harmful to Mother Nature.
What’s more is that the service is easy to book, while our Customer Service team is at your beck and call, ready to answer any questions you may have.

The cleaning process in a nutshell
The professional carpet cleaning service offered by Fantastic Services starts with your booking, which you can do online, via our app or by simply giving us a call. When the date of your appointment has been set, your assigned pro will arrive at your property fully equipped and ready to begin.
The service starts out by the movement of some furniture to ensure a wider area for the cleaning to take place. The cleaning service will then involve vacuuming of the carpets to dislodge larger pieces of dirt and dust, and will be followed by the hot water extraction method.
Through the latter, ingrained dirt and stains will be removed through a special suction attachment, which also removes the dirt and water, leaving your carpets 95% dry after the service has been completed.
The service can also provide Scotchgard protection to protect your carpets from stains building up in the future, as well as a deodorising service to leave your home and carpets smelling fresh.
In addition, the pro can bring along an air dryer for free, which will help speed up the carpet drying time. Alternatively, consider opening your windows for improved ventilation and faster drying time.
How much does carpet cleaning in Coogee cost?
On average, carpet cleaning in Coogee can cost around $135. Prices start at $99 and extend up to $489.
Majority of clinets scheduling carpet cleaning in Coogee live in 2-bedroom properties.
Many of them also opt for hourly cleaning in combination to carpet cleaning to save time.
About 35% of our clients in Coogee join Fantastic Club for better rates.
*The provided information is collected from our database over the past 12 months.