End of Lease Cleaning Brunswick

  • Professional equipment and detergents are included
  • A service that is not limited in time
  • 72 hours guarantee
  • Oven cleaning included
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Bond cleaning

Expert End of Lease Cleaning in Brunswick - Let Us Help You Get Your Bond Back!

Moving out is a very emotional experience and whether it will be a positive or a negative one depends a lot on the final cleaning. So we designed our vacate cleaning in Brunswick to meet every single expectation and leave both our customers and the landlords satisfied and impressed.

So save yourself the hassle of worrying about getting your deposit back and book the professional cleaners of Fantastic Cleaners.

End of Lease Cleaning Deal
Get $40 OFF your End of Lease Cleaning by 31 October
Ensure you get your bond back and enjoy a hassle-free move out. Now you can also add Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning with a 35% discount.
Valid for bookings made by 31.10.2024, valid for non-members only. Min charges apply.
Use promo code: EOL40

What our clients say:

Why Trust Fantastic Cleaners Teams for Your Bond Cleaning?

  • Insured service. We make sure that, in the end, you will get your deposit back from your landlord or agency.
  • Following end of lease cleaning checklist approved by letting agencies. We know exactly what to pay attention to and leave your rental property spotless.
  • Professional teams. All of our cleaning teams have gone through specialised training in order to deliver top-notch quality to our clients.
  • Fully equipped cleaners. Every team comes with all required equipment and eco-friendly, highly professional detergents that cannot be commercially bought.
  • No time limit. The end of lease cleaners in Melbourne will stay and take care of every nook and cranny until the property is cleaned up to the highest standard.
  • 72-hour guarantee for a re-clean. If after the service is complete, you or the landlord/ agency notice anything that was not cleaned up to the expected standard, just give us a call. We will organise a re-clean session for free and pay special attention to the missed areas.
  • No hidden costs. The price you’re quoted is the price you will pay.
  • 24/7 Customer Service line. Got a question? Give out Customer Support team a call, and they will help you on the spot.

How is Our End of Lease Cleaning Services Performed

Cleaning according to an agency-approved checklist, means that we know all the priority places during a move-out clean. However, we understand that different situations vary in their needs, so we can also make a custom check-out list that follows your own personal priorities. 

Floor surfaces

All the non-carpeted floors will be mopped and cleaned thoroughly with a professional vacuum.

Inside windows

All frames, sills and windows will be taken care of using only high-end detergents.


Kitchen appliances will be carefully wiped and polished. Your oven will also receive a professional deep clean at no extra cost.

Rugs and carpets

A professional power vacuum will be used on your carpets and rugs to remove all the accumulated dirt.


Light switches, doorknobs, bannisters, skirting boards and all other fixtures and fittings will receive special attention to make sure that all the dust and grime are gone at the end of the service.

Bond cleaning

What is The Cost of End of Lease Cleaning in Brunswick?

The average cost for bond cleaning in Brunswick is $615, with prices ranging from $310 to $795.

The average duration of the service is 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Most commonly, end of lease cleaning is combined with pest control services.

Approximately 45% of our customers in Brunswick choose to join our Fantastic Club to save money.

*The provided information is collected from our database over the past 12 months.

Additional Services You Can Include in Your Move-out clean

Carpet steam cleaning and upholstery cleaning

With this add-on, your carpets and rugs will be steam cleaned professionally using only eco-friendly detergents. For the more delicate materials, we will go with the dry cleaning method in order to avoid damage. We can also apply Scotchgard, which serves as a protection layer against spills. Stains will be pre-treated and removed with the most common ones being blood, vomit, wine, spilt food, etc. This hot water extraction carpet cleaning is perfect for bringing your used carpets to life and giving them a fresh new look.

Exterior window cleaning

The outside windows will also be professionally cleaned, along with the frames and sills.

Freezer and fridge cleaning

They will receive thorough cleaning from the inside, taking care of all stains and removing old nasty odours. The only thing you will have to do is defrost the appliance on the day before the cleaning.

Balcony, garden shacks and garages

All of these structures can be cleaned and tidied up by the vacate cleaners at an additional price.

Local End of Lease Cleaning Service Near You

End of lease cleaning is one of the many services we offer, with full coverage of Melbourne. So, you can count on local cleaning experts, who can swiftly come to your home address or place of business to perform the service and restore its immaculate cleanliness. See below some of the top places in the city and the surrounding areas with the highest demand for our end of lease cleaning solutions:

End of lease cleaning locations around Brunswick

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to be present during the service?
A: We will need you to provide the team access to the property. Whether you will be on-site or we organise a key pick-up, it doesn’t matter. Still, we recommend that you are present at the bond cleaning service so that you can inspect the property.
Q: Do I need to do anything before the service?
A: The property needs to be vacant of all personal belongings. If you have included the professional clean of the fridge/freezer, you will have to defrost them the day before your appointment. The cleaners will also need access to hot water and running electricity.
Q: How do I organise the free re-clean?
A: After the service is complete you'll have 72 hours to inspect it thoroughly with your landlord or agency. In case you notice missed areas you only have to give a call to our Customer Service team. Let them know what needs to be recleaned and they'll organise the rest.
Q: Can I reschedule my service?
A: No problem! Just give us a call at least 48 hours before your initial appointment and we will advise you on our schedule so that we can choose a suitable day.

Ready to book with us?