The Ultimate Showdown: Deep Cleaning VS Regular Cleaning

Last update: 8 months ago

The Ultimate Showdown: Deep Cleaning VS Regular Cleaning
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If you’re in the process of hiring a professional cleaning service for your home or office, you might be wondering which service will best fit your needs. Deep cleaning is ideal for restoring your place’s cleanliness from top to bottom, while regular cleaning is designed to handle everyday tasks and maintain a comfortable environment.

Living in a clean and organised home is a vital part of your physical health and mental well-being. A well-maintained space can also positively impact your productivity and efficiency. However, you need to be aware of specific details of professional cleaning to make a better decision.

So if you:

  • Want to know what to expect from deep and regular cleaning in detail;
  • Not sure what the differences are between both services;
  • Are wondering when to opt for deep cleaning or routine maintenance.

This showdown of house cleaning services in Australia will provide you with all the answers you’re looking for. Read on to learn the pros and cons of deep and regular cleanup and how they can contribute to your busy lifestyle.

Regular cleaning: Pros and cons

So, let’s get into the details of the standard regular cleaning service. It covers the common routine tasks around your place you may have on a daily or weekly basis. These are the tasks that maintain the most used areas in clean and tidy condition. For example, wiping down or dusting surfaces, vacuuming and putting items in their place are considered regular cleaning. In short, it’s a scheduled cleaning on a surface level.

By opting for a regular house cleaning, you can benefit from:

  • Maintaining a healthier environment and better indoor air quality.
  • More free time to enjoy your favourite activities and peace of mind knowing that your place is neat and clean.
  • Preventing dust and dirt accumulation and ultimately reducing the time required for each session.
  • Staying on top of the cleaning tasks helps minimise the need for deep cleaning, which tends to cost more.
  • Fresh and organised home all the time, even when your friends visit you surprisingly.
  • Minimising the risk of pest infestations and the need for extensive pest control.

Since regular cleaning primarily focuses on basic cleaning tasks, there are some limitations you may encounter:

  • It doesn’t remove hidden dirt, such as in the areas behind appliances or furniture and hard-to-reach or less visible spots.
  • Some appliances may need extra care after a certain period of use, for example, the oven, fridge or BBQ.

Regular cleaning can generally be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or fortnightly basis, with weekly appointments being the most common choice. The frequency may vary based on individual property specifics such as size, traffic, and the presence of kids, pets, or other factors. For example, if you live in a bigger place or have a big dog messing around, you may require more frequent sessions to uphold a pleasant household ambience.

Areas covered during regular cleaning

While cleaning companies offer individual checklists to their customers, a standard one can include the following tasks:

  • Dusting and wiping surfaces, including kitchen worktops, cupboards, shelves, and wardrobe exteriors.
  • Cleaning the kitchen sinks and taps.
  • Wiping appliances inside and out.
  • Loading or unloading the dishwasher.
  • Cleaning bathroom sinks, taps, toilet, shower, and bathtub.
  • Cleaning mirrors and fixtures throughout the house.
  • General tidying up, organising items, and decluttering.
  • Making the bed and changing the linens.
  • Vacuuming and mopping the floors.
  • Emptying the bins.

When to use it

Regular cleaning services can be customised to meet individual preferences and specific needs. You can opt for it when you aim to maintain a consistent level of cleanliness with minimal effort.

Residential homes seeking to uphold a certain standard of hygiene, as well as offices and workspaces with low to moderate traffic and minimal specialised cleaning needs, can benefit from routine cleanup. Similarly, small businesses can also derive from daily, weekly, or fortnightly upkeep to ensure a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

Depending on factors like the type and size of the property, the number of people around, and activity levels, the service provider can follow different priorities to make the life of the habitants easier and more organised.

Deep cleaning: Pros and cons

Deep cleaning is a more thorough process that tends to sanitise the place from top to bottom, especially those areas that have been neglected throughout the regular sessions. It focuses on the zones that accumulate dust, dirt and grime over time, like difficult-to-reach spots, places we don’t frequently see, for example, over the upper cupboards or the wardrobe, behind the fridge etc.

The main advantages of deep cleaning are:

  • Removing the build-up of dust, grime, and hidden dirt over time.
  • Eliminating bacteria and germs with specialised sanitising agents.
  • Improving indoor air quality and providing a healthier environment for you and your family.
  • Achieving a specific level of cleanliness and helping you catch up and maintain a desired standard.

Despite deep cleaning being a top-to-bottom cleaning capable of enhancing the look and feel of the whole place, there are some constraints you have to be aware of:

  • Deep cleaning is typically more expensive than standard cleaning as it’s a more thorough and extensive process.
  • It includes detailed work that takes a longer time to be completed.
  • It can be disruptive since furniture and appliances may be moved.
  • Thorough service isn’t required as frequently, which means that regular maintenance is still necessary between the deep cleaning sessions.

Areas covered during deep-cleaning process

Generally, deep house cleaning would include:

  • Wiping and dusting the interior and exterior of the kitchen cupboards.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the worktops and surfaces.
  • Sanitising electrical appliances.
  • Cleaning and clearing limescale build-up from the kitchen sinks and taps.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting sanitary fixtures in the bathroom, such as tiles, sinks, toilets, tubs, and showers. Removing any limescale deposits.
  • Cleaning drawers, cabinets, and wardrobes.
  • Cleaning and polishing fittings, fixtures, mirrors, and photo frames.
  • Wiping the light switches and doors.
  • Removing any spiderwebs. Dusting shelves, bannisters, skirting boards, and window sills.
  • Vacuuming and mopping the floors.
  • Emptying the bins.

When to use it

Deep cleaning can be sufficient in various situations when a thorough cleaning is required, and you want to sanitise certain areas or the whole property. Some of these moments can be after the winter season when you want to refresh the unit, as well as before and after special occasions and events. Generally, these are the moments when you want to make every corner of your home spotless.

Spring cleaning can be beneficial also when moving into a new home and wanting to be sure everything is disinfected. In addition, some cleaning companies require a deep clean session to be performed before starting to use a regular service. This ensures that the desired level of cleanliness can be reached afterwards.

A wide range of properties can benefit from thorough cleaning, including residential homes and rental properties, office buildings, and businesses, among others. It can help to create a hygienic and pleasant environment in different settings.

Key differences between deep cleaning and regular cleaning

As we previously discussed, deep cleaning and regular upkeep address different household needs. You can choose either depending on various factors such as time availablility, daily habits, personal needs and budget considerations. They differ not only in their frequency and intensity but also in the equipment utilised and the level of cleanliness they deliver.

Both services typically follow hourly-based pricing. Rates may vary depending on the effort and equipment required as well as the duration of the sessions. To achieve optimal results, it’s usually best to incorporate them.

Let’s point out the key differences:

Deep cleaningRegular cleaning
FrequencyWhen needed once / twice or more per year
Moving in a new place
Before/after events
Spring cleaning
Daily / Weekly / Fortnightly
IntensityThorough and intensiveBasic maintenance
EquipmentSpecialised tools and techniquesStandard cleaning tools
EffectivenessRemove build-up dirt and bacteriaMaintain a basic level of cleanliness
Higher – Need more time and effort than usual maintenance cleanLower – Takes less time and effort than a deep clean

When should you opt for a professional cleaner?

Hiring professional cleaners offers numerous benefits for both residential and commercial properties. Cleaning technicians have the skills and equipment to effectively tackle even the most complicated tasks. They follow comprehensive checklists designed to ensure no place is neglected. In addition, you can provide your own preferences just to make sure the result will meet your expectations.

Expert cleaners can save you a lot of time and effort, which is the perfect option for those with busy schedules and who want more time for themselves. Why spend valuable time cleaning instead of creating precious memories with your family and friends? Cleaners can work according to your schedule and accommodate your specific cleaning needs.

Professional cleaners can also be especially valuable when it’s time to deep clean your home, and you don’t have the energy or motivation to do it yourself. This includes tackling the hard work of moving heavy appliances or furniture to clean behind, ensuring that no area is left untouched.


  • Regular cleaning can cover the common routine tasks around your place you may have on a daily or weekly basis;
  • Deep cleaning is a thorough session that tends to sanitise the place from top to bottom;
  • To achieve optimal results, it’s best to incorporate both services.

Dedicate more time to your family!

Book professional cleaning with us and embrace your leisure moments!

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