Tips, Tricks & Hacks

How to Clean Oven Racks with Baking Soda and Vinegar

How to Clean Oven Racks with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Ever looked at your oven racks and thought, “Well, at least I know where my missing lasagna from 2022 went”? It’s like those racks are auditioning for a role in a horror movie, with their layers of grime and grease. But fear not! We’re about to turn this horror story into a feel-good cleaning saga…

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Say Goodbye to Bathroom Condensation for Good

Yellow ducky in a bathroom, blue tiles with condensation, mouldy grout, mouldy bath sealant

Have you ever noticed the sly presence of condensation seeping into your bathroom, particularly in the midst of frosty winter days? It’s like a stealthy intruder, isn’t it? In households, showers and baths expel approximately 1.7 litres of water into the surrounding air. Over time, this humidity accumulates on various surfaces like windows, ceilings, and…

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How to Get Burnt Smell Out of a Microwave

How to Get Burnt Smell Out of a Microwave

Ah, there you go again. No need to worry, we’ve all been there. That one second when preparing popcorn is so crucial. Misreading a label or leaving the cooking to a young adult is also so important. All those can also result in a lingering burnt scent in the microwave. Lighting scented candles just won’t…

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How to Get Candle Wax Off Wood

How to Get Candle Wax Off Wood

On a peaceful evening, while sharing stories with loved ones or simply soaking up a quiet moment, there’s something almost magical about how candlelight cosies up our homes. But here’s the surprising turn amid all this serenity – the accidental spill of candle wax on a cherished wooden surface. The scenario is all too familiar,…

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5 Ways to Clean Sticker Residue

5 Ways to Clean Sticker Residue

As the holiday season wrapped up, the festive spirit lingered in surprising places. Kids love stickers. They may have decorated the windows, furniture, walls, furniture, and clothing for Christmas. Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to clean up the mess and say goodbye to any remaining residue. It could be a real struggle,…

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